About Me
I was born and raised in Germany where I first fell in love with the art of writing at the age of 10. My creativity led me to write short stories and poems and I probably had enough notes to fill multiple journals by the age of 15.
After a summer internship that turned into a freelance gig as a writer for the Kölner Stadtanzeiger in Germany, my love for newspapers and journalism was born. I worked for them for more than 2 years, up until I moved to Vancouver to pursue my undergrad degree at Capilano University.
Now, in the final year of my Communication and Media B.A. I am venturing out into the world of journalism with a mission to give voices to those who are usually silenced. My passion is writing about LGBTQIA+ topics as well as human rights and I am currently doing so as a freelance writer and by being the sports editor of the Capilano Courier.
“Journalism can never be silent. This is it's greatest virtue and it's greatest fault”
Henry Grunwald